Ownership of a classic or vintage vehicle or motorcycle is not a pre-requisite to joining the Club but it is expected that an applicant will have an interest in such and attend meetings and runs.
Conditional registration and CTP at special rates and a stamp duty exemption are available to complying vehicles owned by Club members. Please note all new members are to serve a 12 month probationary period, before conditional registration is granted.
Members will be required to attend a monthly meeting before membership is granted.
Members enjoy:
- Social events and runs
- Regular newsletters
- Access to private Facebook group
- Conditional registration concessions **after probationary period
- Lifelong friendships!!
Come and meet us at the Tomakin Sports Club from 7pm on the first Tuesday of every month... we would love to meet you.
Fees (Joining)
- Full adult member for 1 year: $95 ($20 once-off joining fee + $75 annual membership fee);
- Joint adult members for 1 year: $140 ($20 x 2 once-off joining fee + $75 annual membership fee + $25 joint annual membership fee)
- Junior membership: $25 (under 18 years of age) ($20 once-off joining fee + $5 annual membership fee). Junior members do not have voting rights and must renew on an annual basis.
Renewing (For 1 year)
- Full adult member for 1 year: $75
- Joint adult members for 1 year: $100 ($75 annual membership fee + $25 joint annual membership fee)
- Junior membership: $5 (under 18 years of age). Junior members do not have voting rights and must renew on an annual basis.
Membership RenewalGENERAL
- Membership renewal can be processed via the members only link on this web site
- An email with a link for payment will be sent to all current members prior to 30/June (Subject title : CVMCE Fees Due) check your junk mail box or contact the club if you have not received the email by June 14th
- All Applications for New Membership must be in writing and voted on at a monthly club meeting.
- New memberships can only be processed via an email link sent by the Club Secretary after the application has been received
- The CVMCE preferred payment method is via the web with an email link.
- Members who fail to renew their membership by the 30th June will be deemed unfinancial members and will be subject to the new member renewal process.