
Club Links

Members Only Log On

Registrars memo to members 5th April 2024

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has determined that Secondary Clubs listed on your Historic/Classic declaration form have “no application whatsoever”

CVMCE (primary club) Members must

a. Fill in your logbook whenever you are on a run with another club


b. Email the CVMCE secretary at of your intention to attend a function with a secondary club. 



The Club Constitution under which our club operates is based on Ministry of Fair Trading's Model Constitution with a modify Clause 4(d). The effect of this change, is that a member who fails to pay their membership renewal fee by the 30 June each year will cease to be a member.


Blank Club Event Sheets are available for download by members wishing to organize an event.


Blank Vehicle Inspectors Records Sheets are available for download by Club Vehicle Inspectors


Links of Interest

Good Gear Guide - Motorcycle safety Gear

The Council of Motor Clubs Inc. is a peak body representing the interests of heritage motoring clubs. CVMCE is an affiliated member of the CMC Inc. CMC's website has a wealth of vehicle registration information about both the Historic Vehicle Scheme (HVS) and the Classic (or modified historic) Vehicle Scheme (CVS). Mark Beaver is our Club's CVS Registration Officer and all enquiries regarding registration under the CVS should be directed to Mark in the first instance - Ph 02 4474 3461.

Australian Government vehicle registration and licencing information - covers all States.

Registration of Historic Vehicles in NSW. (Click on this link for eligibility details on registering a Historic Vehicles in NSW).

RMS Historic Vehicle Registration form. (Click on this link to download the Historic Vehicle Declaration form).

Is your vehicle registered and which Club are you registered with? (Click on this link to check your RMS registration details).

NSW Historic Vehicle Log Book Trial.

Registration of Classic Vehicles in NSW.

NSW Classic Vehicle Log Book Trial.

Relationship of CVMCE to other Motoring Clubs and Peak Bodies as of February 2017.

Greenslips Calculator Image